
Is fear the opposite of liberation!?

  Dread is a feeling, yet it can grasp us with reality. We flee, hide, and lie for no other reason than fear. Now there is more aggression, lying, and selfishness as a result of fear. Fear has driven us insane, and we have begun to act as an unknown new person to our closest friends. When it comes to identifying and confronting our fear, we choose the ostensibly simplest route to flee, but it is the most difficult method to build distance. As our dread grows, we begin to do things we don't want to do. Let us pause for a moment now to reflect on where we are, feeling threatened, desperate, and unhappy. Let us be the most open and honest people we can be today, exposing the masks we used to hide behind in front of our loved ones. In and of ourselves, every one of us is valuable and appealing. Discuss your greatest fear and what you don't want to face in your life with yourself openly and honestly. Consider the polar opposite of our anxiety: what we might be able to accomplish if